Blue Cat's Triple EQ
"The simple and free shapeable channel"
Blue Cat's Triple EQ |
Blue Cat's Triple EQ is a free 3 groups semi-parametric balancer that can be controlled like a solitary channel, with an adaptable shape.
This free EQ incorporates a low rack channel, a high rack channel and a lift/cut top channel. Its wide scope of gain (+/ - 40 dB for every band) and data transfer capacity (.01 to 5 Octave) makes it extremely flexible to make any channel shape. The three channels are connected together so when you change the middle recurrence or the data transfer capacity, the boundaries of the three channels are altered as needs be: you can handle the whole balancer attributes with a solitary mouse click.
The chart shows the figured recurrence reaction of the module, so you can precisely realize how your sign is handled. The controls are straightforwardly accessible on top of the channel diagram, making the plan of the channel shape considerably simpler.
The module additionally offers a double channels variant, with free left/right or mid/side leveling capacities. The two channels can be connected together in numerous ways, allowing you to change this module into a recurrence subordinate panner and considerably more.
The module can be controlled progressively with MIDI or mechanization: it is prepared to do totally without zipper spotless and nonstop time-fluctuating evening out with no dormancy. it is the ideal friend of our sound examination devices for signal-subordinate side chain separating.
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